Tuesday 25 June 2024

jq -r bash cmd


The command jq -r 'select(.Update) | .Path + "@" + .Update.Version' is used within a shell script to filter and format JSON output from the go list -u -m -json all command. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what each part of the command does:

Explanation of the Command

jq -r

  • jq: A lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor. It allows you to parse, filter, and manipulate JSON data.
  • -r: This option stands for "raw output." It outputs the filtered and transformed results as plain text instead of JSON, which is often easier to use in shell scripts.


  • select(.Update): This is a filter expression that selects only those JSON objects where the .Update field exists and is not null.
    • select: A jq function that filters JSON objects based on a condition.
    • .Update: A field in the JSON object output by go list -u -m -json all. This field contains update information for each Go module if an update is available.

'| .Path + "@" + .Update.Version'

  • |: A pipe operator that passes the filtered results from the left side (select(.Update)) to the right side.
  • .Path: This represents the Path field in the JSON object, which contains the module path (e.g., github.com/pkg/errors).
  • + "@": This concatenates the module path with the "@" symbol, used to specify a version in Go modules.
  • .Update.Version: This accesses the Version field within the Update object, which specifies the new version available for the module.

Combined Effect

The command as a whole does the following:

  1. Filter Modules with Updates: select(.Update) filters out all the modules that do not have an available update. Only the modules with the .Update field present are passed to the next step.
  2. Format Output: For each filtered module, the output is formatted as <module-path>@<new-version>. For example, if the module github.com/pkg/errors has an update to version v0.9.2, it outputs github.com/pkg/errors@v0.9.2.


Assume you have a JSON output from go list -u -m -json all like this:

[ { "Path": "github.com/pkg/errors", "Version": "v0.9.1", "Update": { "Version": "v0.9.2" } }, { "Path": "golang.org/x/sys", "Version": "v0.0.0-20220315054443-0e35b0f21f97", "Update": { "Version": "v0.0.0-20220315190503-a33c662eeddc" } } ]

Running the jq command would filter and format it like this:

github.com/pkg/errors@v0.9.2 golang.org/x/sys@v0.0.0-20220315190503-a33c662eeddc

This output is plain text and can be easily used in subsequent commands, such as go get, to update each module.

Usage in Shell Scripts

In a shell script, this output can be looped over to update all the dependencies that have updates available:

modules=$(go list -u -m -json all | jq -r 'select(.Update) | .Path + "@" + .Update.Version') for module in $modules; do echo "Updating $module" go get $module done go mod tidy
  • modules=$(...): Executes the command within $(...) and stores the result in the modules variable.
  • for module in $modules; do ... done: Iterates over each module and runs go get to update it.

This approach ensures that only the modules with available updates are processed and updated efficiently.

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