Monday 13 May 2024

GOLAN find all possible file with same file name

 func getFilesWithSameName(fileName string, referenceTime time.Time) ([]File, error) {

var files []File

// Walk through the files and directories in the current directory and its subdirectories

err := filepath.Walk(".", func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {

if err != nil {

return err


// Check if the file name matches the specified fileName and if it meets the time criteria

if info.Name() == fileName && (referenceTime.IsZero() || info.ModTime().After(referenceTime)) {

fullPath, err := filepath.Abs(path)

if err != nil {

return err


files = append(files, File{

Name:         info.Name(),

IsFolder:     info.IsDir(),

ModifiedTime: info.ModTime().Format(time.RFC3339),

FullPath:     fullPath,



return nil


if err != nil {

return nil, err


return files, nil
