Saturday 23 March 2024

Go LANG the receiver of the method

In Go, func (class MyClass) StructMethod() is a method declaration. Let me break it down for you:

  • func: This keyword is used to declare a function or a method.
  • (class MyClass): This is the receiver of the method. In Go, methods can be associated with a type. Here, (class MyClass) indicates that StructMethod() is a method associated with the type MyClass.
  • StructMethod(): This is the name of the method.

So, func (class MyClass) StructMethod() declares a method named StructMethod() associated with the type MyClass. This means that instances of MyClass can call the StructMethod() method.

Here's an example illustrating how you might define a MyClass type with a StructMethod() method:


package main

import "fmt"

// Define a struct type MyClass

type MyClass struct {

data int


// Define a method StructMethod associated with the MyClass type

func (c MyClass) StructMethod() {

fmt.Println("This is a method associated with MyClass")

fmt.Println("Value of data:",


func main() {

// Create an instance of MyClass

myObj := MyClass{data: 42}

// Call the StructMethod() method on the instance



n this example, MyClass is a struct type with a field data of type int. The StructMethod() method is defined for MyClass, and when called on an instance of MyClass, it prints some information including the value of the data field.

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