Wednesday 16 October 2019

CPA 005 Example

Sample PAD file
A0000000010999999999001301824301600 CAD 

D0000000020999999999001337100000500000182430005543217654321 0000000000000000000000000SHORTYCO SAMPLE USER SHORTY CO LTD 09999999991917-CS1356 0016555557777777 0100000000000 

LOGICAL RECORD TYPE A(To provide file identification and control information; must be the first logical record in each file and must occur only once within the file)
A0000000010999999999001301824301600                    CAD  
A                                              1 Logical record type ID
000000001                                      2-10 Logical record count, must be 000000001
0999999999                                     11-20 Originator ID. 0 space pad at 11 end at 11
0013                                           21-24 File creation No. 0 space pad at 21 end at 22
018243                                         25-30 Creation date
01600                                          31-35 Destination data centre
                                               36-55 Reserved customer – Direct clearer communication area. All space pad
CAD                                            56-58 Currency Code Identifier
                                               59-1464 Filler. All space pade
LOGICAL RECORD TYPE D (To record Preauthorized Debit (Take money from client))
D0000000020999999999001337100000500000182430005543217654321     0000000000000000000000000SHORTYCO       SAMPLE USER                   SHORTY CO LTD                 09999999991917-CS1356        0016555557777777                                          0100000000000
D                                              1 Logical Record Type ID
000000002                                      2-10 Logical Record Count,0 space filled starting at 2 end at 9
09999999990013                                 11-24 origination control data, zero space filled starting at 11 end at 11                                            
====== Segment 1 ========
371                                            25-27 transaction type
0000050000                                     28-37 amount
018243                                         38-43 date
000554321                                      44-52 institutional No
7654321                                        53-64 payee account No, space pad starting at 60 end at 64
0000000000000000000000                         65-86 zero pad item trace No
000                                            87-89 zero pad stored transaction type
SHORTYCO                                       90-104 Originator Short Name, space pad starting at 98 end at 104  
SAMPLE USER                                    105-134 Payee name, space pad starting at 116 end at 134                   
SHORTY CO LTD                                  135-164 Originators long name, space pad start at 148 end at 164                  
0999999999                                     165-174 Originator direct clearer’s user id 
1917-CS1356                                   175-193 Originator Cross Reference No, space pad starting at 186 end at 193
001655555                                     194-202 Institutional ID Number for Return
7777777                                      203-214 Account No for Returns, space pad start at 210 end at 214
                                             215-229 Originators Sundry Info, space pad
                                            230-251 Filler, space pad   
01                                          252-253 Originator direct clearer settlement always 01
00000000000                                 254-264 Invalid Data element always zero fill
===========End of Segment 1 ===========
===========Start of Segment 2 ===========
===========End of Segment 6 ===========
LOGICAL RECORD TYPE Z (To provide control totals independent of those contained in external labels, must be the last logical record in each data file)
Z                                       1 logical record type id                                                                                                                                                                                                          
000000003                               2-10 Logical record count, zero fill starting at 2 end at 9
09999999990013                          11-24 origination control data, zero space filled starting at 11 end at 11                                            
00000000050000                          25-38 Total Value of Debit including transactions D and J, 0 space pad starting at 25 end at 33
00000001                                39-46 Total Number of Debit transactions D and J, 0 space pad starting at 39 end at 45
00000000000000                          47-60 Total value of Credit transactions C and I, 0 all space pad
00000000                                61-68  Total number of credit transactions C and I, 0 all space pad
                                        69-82 Total value of error corrections E
                                        83-90 Total Number of error corrections E
                                        91-104 Total value of error corrections F
                                        105-112 Total number of error corrections F
                                        113-1464 Filler     

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