Friday 2 August 2019

Google Map integration tips && get started

Get google map API keys:

* need to set up billing and add direction services and map services

Google add custom marker:

Google Map remove direction marker:
directionsDisplay = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer({suppressMarkers: true});

Google Map make customized base map styles:
(The following is a sample JSON styler for whitewater basemap)
sample code:
// Styles a map in white water mode.
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'),
center: VGH_ED,
zoom: 12,
styles: [
{ "stylers" :
{ "visibility" : "on" },
{ "saturation" : -13 },
{ "lightness" : -17 },
{ "hue" : "#ff6e00" }
{ "featureType" : "water",
"stylers" : [ { "visibility" : "on" },
{ "lightness" : 100 }
{ "featureType" : "poi",
"stylers" : [ { "lightness" : 39 },
{ "saturation" : -43 },
{ "visibility" : "on" }
{ "elementType" : "geometry",
"featureType" : "roads",
"stylers" : [ { "visibility" : "on" },
{ "lightness" : 30 }
{ "elementType" : "labels",
"stylers" : [ { "lightness" : 35 } ]


Google Map, google is undefined:
"The new way of including GMaps on your page <script src="" async defer></script> will cause issues, as its loading will be deferred so as not to be a blocking resource. This has the awkward possibility that other scripts will be included before GMaps is initialized. Therefore, the above solution is the correct one. Thanks for this"

<script src=""></script>

Google Map API default standard passes
 initMap() as call back in script, do not do that, causing function load problems: make initMap() self invoking on bottom of code instead

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