Thursday 25 July 2019

Prometheus permission denied && docker useful tips

According to the Dockerfile of prometheus the USER is set to nobody.
So it makes sense that the above dir is not accessible by the service.
So the problem was solved by performing a
chgrp -R nogroup /prometheus_data

nogroup is the group analog to the nobody user. It is used for unprivileged processes so that even if something goes wrong the process does not have the permissions to cause any serious damage to an important user or group.

useful tips:
// Multiple email in alertmanager

// For docker-compose.yml is always good to add restart always in the each service so when OS rebooted, this service will automatically restart

      - back    
      - 9091:9091

You can put comma separated email addresses in the
to field.
// Docker rebuild a running container without building rebuilding dependecies

$docker container stop <container_id> / <service_name>
$docker-compose up -d --no-deps --build <service_name>
#<service_name> is the service name specified in docker-compose.yml file
--no-deps - Don't start linked services.
--build - Build images before starting containers.
// Docker compose build
docker-compose up -d
//  Docker logs
Don't use "docker logs". Use "docker-compose logs flask" to see the logs of that restarting containers. With your options:
docker-compose logs -f --tail=50 
// Go inside docker container
docker exec -it <mycontainer> bash

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