Wednesday, 15 January 2025

bash scan file and lines


# Check if a directory is provided as an argument

if [ -z "$1" ]; then

  echo "Usage: $0 <directory>"

  exit 1


# Initialize total line count


# Output header

echo -e "File Name\tTotal Lines"

# Loop through all files in the directory and its subdirectories

while IFS= read -r file; do

  # Count total lines in the current file

  line_count=$(wc -l < "$file")


  # Add to total line count

  total_lines=$((total_lines + line_count))


  # Print file name and line count

  echo -e "$(realpath "$file")\t$line_count"

done < <(find "$1" -type f)

# Output total line count

echo -e "\nTotal Lines: $total_lines"

// Optional paramter to skip folders

./ /path/to/directory "folder1,folder2/nested"



# Check if a directory is provided as an argument

if [ -z "$1" ]; then

  echo "Usage: $0 <directory> [exclude_paths]"

  exit 1


# Initialize variables




# Convert the comma-separated exclude_paths into find exclude arguments


if [ -n "$exclude_paths" ]; then

  IFS=',' read -ra paths <<< "$exclude_paths"

  for path in "${paths[@]}"; do

    exclude_args+=(-path "$directory/$path" -prune -o)



# Output header

echo -e "File Name\tTotal Lines"

# Loop through all files in the directory, excluding specified paths

while IFS= read -r file; do

  # Count total lines in the current file

  line_count=$(wc -l < "$file")


  # Add to total line count

  total_lines=$((total_lines + line_count))


  # Print file name and line count

  echo -e "$(realpath "$file")\t$line_count"

done < <(find "$directory" "${exclude_args[@]}" -type f -print)

# Output total line count

echo -e "\nTotal Lines: $total_lines"

Tuesday, 31 December 2024

GO LANG zap logg defer sync

package main

import (



func main() {

    // Create a logger

    logger, _ := zap.NewProduction()

    defer logger.Sync() // Flushes buffer, if any

    // Log some simple messages

    logger.Info("This is an info message")



defer logger.Sync() ensures that any buffered log entries are flushed before the program exits.

Monday, 30 December 2024

Alexdwards scs v2 -> session manager

 How it works

Creates server side session -> generates token in server side using built in store, can also link the store to custom mysql storage, so you have to implement token removal upon expiry, then store session data with token in mysql storage -> ask browser to save token in cookie -> each time browser send request, extracts token in cookie using r.context()

GIn request r.context()


Why r.Context() is Essential

Using r.Context() ensures that session operations:

  1. Remain Scoped to the Request: Data is tied to the specific HTTP request and its lifecycle.
  2. Work with Middleware: Middleware that modifies or extends the context integrates seamlessly.
  3. Avoid Global State: Prevents reliance on global variables, making code safer and more testable.

Tuesday, 24 December 2024

GO mod tidy, go get -u

 go mod tidy is like npm install

installing all libraries in go.mod

its often used with go get -u ./..., 

The command go get -u ./... in Go is used to update all the dependencies of a Go module, including those in all sub-packages. Let’s break it down:

  • go get -u:

    • The -u flag updates the dependencies to their latest compatible versions (minor or patch updates).
    • It also updates transitive dependencies.
  • ./... :

    • This syntax represents all packages in the current module and all of its sub-packages, recursively.
    • It ensures that the command applies to every package in the directory tree starting from the current directory.
  • This is a go tooling  not linux cmd


    1. ./:

      • Represents the current directory.
      • A Go convention, not a Linux-specific path.
    2. ...:

      • A wildcard that matches all packages and sub-packages recursively within the current module or directory tree.
    3. Together: ./...:

      • Specifies "all Go packages in the current directory and its subdirectories."

    MYSQL set uuid id, text column cant have default value

     Good old auto increment

    CREATE TABLE example (


        description TEXT NOT NULL


    // TEXT column cant have default value ''
    // use
    CREATE TABLE example (
        description TEXT

    // uuid
    CREATE TABLE my_table (
        name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL
    Insert values manually:

    Copy code
    INSERT INTO my_table (id, name) VALUES (UUID(), 'Sample Name');

    GO LANG DB Migration && migration errors && Error fix to dirty dabatse version 1. fix and force version


    * go lang migration will create a table scheme_migration to track migrations 

    How It Works in Detail

    1. Versioning
      Each migration has a numeric version number (e.g., 000001, 000002, etc.). This version number is derived from the prefix in the migration file name.

    2. schema_migrations Table (or Equivalent)

      • When you run migrations for the first time, golang-migrate creates a table in your database to track the “current version.”
      • By default, this table might be named schema_migrations (the name can vary depending on the driver or your configuration).
    3. Tracking Migrations

      • Each time a migration is applied, golang-migrate updates the version in schema_migrations.
      • For example, if your highest version is currently 1, and you have a new migration file with version 2, golang-migrate will run that migration and update the “current version” to 2.
    4. Skipping Already-Applied Migrations

      • When you call m.Up(), golang-migrate compares the latest recorded version in schema_migrations to the versions of all available .up.sql files.
      • Any migration with a version equal to or lower than the recorded version is considered already applied.
      • It only runs migrations whose version is higher than what’s recorded in schema_migrations.
    5. Result

      • If there are no new migrations (i.e., the current version in the database is already equal to the highest version in your migration files), m.Up() returns migrate.ErrNoChange.
      • If there are pending migrations, m.Up() runs them in ascending order and updates the version in the DB after each successful migration.

    1. Installation

    First, install the golang-migrate tool by running the following command:


    Copy code

    go install

    This will install the migrate command-line tool.

    To install the Go module itself, run this in your Go project directory:


    Copy code

    go get -u

    2. Creating Migrations

    To create a new migration, use the migrate command. Here’s how to create a new migration file:


    Copy code

    migrate create -ext sql -dir db/migrations create_users_table

    Example SQL Migration Files


    This file contains the SQL commands to apply the migration, such as creating a table.


    Copy code

    CREATE TABLE users (


        name VARCHAR(100),

        email VARCHAR(100) UNIQUE NOT NULL,




    This file contains the SQL commands to revert the migration, typically by dropping the created table.


    Copy code

    DROP TABLE users;

    USING CODE, so migration is ran checked in build

    // If in a different package can use return fmt.Errorf("failed to open file source: %w", err) to return error 

    // the github packages need to be added go.mod using go get 

    package main

    import (




        _ ""

        _ ""


    func main() {

        // The source includes 'file://'

        // The database URL includes your driver scheme (e.g., 'postgres://')

        m, err := migrate.New(




        if err != nil {

            log.Fatalf("migrate.New failed: %v", err)


        err = m.Up()

        if err != nil && err != migrate.ErrNoChange {

            log.Fatalf("m.Up failed: %v", err)


        fmt.Println("Migrations applied successfully!")



    Fix to dirty databse

    Cause - migration applied but encountered error so version in correct

    error such as there is an error in ur schema etc

    Fix : remove table in scheme_migrations, and dete migrated tables

    other fixes:

    1. Why the Database Becomes Dirty

    • A migration may fail due to a syntax error, connection interruption, or invalid SQL.
    • Once a failure occurs, golang-migrate sets the dirty flag on that migration version to indicate the database might be partially migrated.

    2. Identify the Dirty Version

    Often, you’ll see an error or logs indicating something like:

    error: Dirty database version 1. Fix and force version.

    That means the migration version 1 is marked dirty.

    You can also run the status command (if using the CLI) to confirm:

    migrate -path ./migrations -database "postgres://user:pass@localhost/dbname?sslmode=disable" status

    The status output will show a “dirty” flag next to the problematic version.

    3. Fix/Repair the Migration

    If you know what caused the migration to fail (for example, a bad SQL statement), you should fix that migration. However, once the database is already marked dirty, you have two main approaches:

    1. Roll back the partial changes: Manually revert any partial changes the failed migration might have made (e.g., drop a half-created table, or fix data inconsistencies). Then force the version to the previous clean state.
    2. Mark the current version as successfully applied: If the partial changes are actually okay (or you manually fixed them), you can “force” the migration to mark the database as at a certain version—and not dirty—so future migrations can continue.

    4. Force the Version with the CLI

    Using the golang-migrate CLI, you can do something like:

    migrate -path ./migrations \ -database "postgres://user:pass@localhost:5432/dbname?sslmode=disable" \ force 1

    Where 1 is the version you want to set the database to, and simultaneously clear the dirty flag. This tells golang-migrate:

    “Treat the database as if version 1 has been successfully applied (not dirty anymore).”

    After Forcing

    • If you forced version 1, you can now try running migrate up again. It will proceed from version 2 onward.
    • Make sure that your actual database state matches what your forced version suggests (e.g., if you forced version 1 as done, ensure the changes in 000001_*.up.sql are truly in place, or revert them as needed).

    5. Programmatic Forcing (Optional)

    If you’re using golang-migrate in your Go code (not just the CLI), you can also do something like:

    import ( "" // ... ) // Assuming `m` is a *migrate.Migrate instance if err := m.Force(1); err != nil { // handle error }

    This will set the migration version to 1 and clear the dirty state.

    6. Retest Your Migrations

    After forcing the version and making sure your DB is consistent:

    1. Run your migration command again:
      migrate -path ./migrations \ -database "postgres://user:pass@localhost:5432/dbname?sslmode=disable" \ up
    2. Ensure there are no remaining errors and that your database schema is now up to date.


    • A “dirty” database version means a migration got stuck/failed.
    • Manually fix/undo or confirm the partial changes in your DB.
    • Use migrate force <version> (CLI) or m.Force(<version>) (Go code) to mark the version clean and ready for further migrations.
    • Finally, re-run migrate up to continue with new migrations.